Realization of Investment Projects in Agriculture
1. Implementation of various-size companies development programs on regional and interregional
- Conducting marketing research
- Creation of business plans meeting the requirements of European and Russian banking and investment institutions
- Development of optimal project financing schemes in relation to various industries
- Integration of business ideas into innovative mini-clusters in order to optimize the project financing structure
2. Organization of Project Financing within Federal, and Regional Purpose- Oriented Programs:
- Preparation of complete package of documents required for program selection
- Entering the project into the list of priority investment projects in agriculture
- The volume of attracted funds for projects within governmental programs amounts to over 50 million euro
3. Integrated consulting services aimed at building and
optimizing business processes in agriculture according to the principles of hi-tech manufacturing resulting in maximum lowering of seasonality factors and climatic risks.
4. Transfer of advanced international technologies in agriculture and their adaptation to the needs of regional agricultural complexes.